My QuizAp

by Zakatech Software



This app is an easy-to-use app that gives you full control. You can create a quiz group, as many as you want, to which you can add or remove members. You can add a member via an invite link which can only be used once. The invite link is specific to the intended cadre of the invited member. The invited member can be Chief Examiner, Examiner, or Candidate. The Chief Examiner and the Examiner can be made an Admin by the Admin after joining the Quiz group. The role of the different cadres in the group is unique. The examiner can create a Question and add it to the question bank. In addition to the privilege of the examiner, the Chief Examiner can create a quiz and schedule a quiz. In addition to the privilege of the Chief Examiner, the Admin can add a member via an invite link, remove any member and change an examiner or Chief examiner to an Admin. The Candidate can only attempt a scheduled quiz when the time is due. There is room where all group members can interact and discuss.